The Crow Essay | Essay on the Crow for Students and Children in English|

The Crow Essay: 

The crow is a very common bird found in most parts of India. It is a scavenger. It eats a lot of things that human beings consider to be waste. It also feeds on dead and decaying animals. It can often be seen at garbage bins, picking out things to eat. The crow is thus a cleaner, who helps to keep the environment clean.
  • You can read more Essay Writing about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.
  • Short Essay on the Crow 200 Words in English for Kids and Students in English
  • Below we have given a short essay on The Crow is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.
  • Black in color, with a grey neck, the crow has a long and very strong beak. It has a loud and harsh call. It lives in groups. People do not consider it a very friendly bird.
  • However, it is a very clever bird. There are many stories and legends associated with the crow.

Essay on Crow

Writing is a vital component of our lives and is intrinsically tied to communication. Children spend years learning about words, language, and speech from us. Writing comes effortlessly when you speak and read. It cannot be emphasised enough how critical writing abilities are for effective communication.
Children's minds need to practise composing brief English essays to develop. English creative essay writing is an excellent approach for children to strengthen their English writing skills and entire personality.

Everyone wants to be proficient in English, as it is the world's most important language.

To be proficient in English, you must also be proficient in reading, writing, and speaking.

Language abilities are not something that can be acquired in a day or two. As a result, children must begin writing essays in English as soon as possible.

An Overview of Crows

Crows are common black-feathered birds found in almost all parts of the world. They belong to the genus Covrvus and family Corvidae. Ravens and rooks also belong to the same genus. One of the most common birds in India, crows are very clever lifters. In an essay on crows, we should highlight the fact that crows are primarily scavenger birds and are responsible for cleaning our environment. This is the reason why they are known as sweeper birds or nature’s sweepers.
Essay on Crow

Crows are big, blackbirds with shiny feathers. It sometimes makes them look like they're moving. Except for Antarctica, crows can be found all over the world. The average crow is approximately 18 inches long. Crow is the most common bird found in our country, India.

Crows are known for their loud voices and their smart sense. People call birds that make noise "songbirds." Crows are part of this group. It's just that their calls sound a little rough, like the "caw". People say that they are clever and curious birds and are known for being thieves and pranksters. They have been known to fly away with all kinds of small, shiny things, like people's car keys. It's even possible for pet crows to learn how to mimic, or copy, human speech. They are considered spirit animals because they represent good fortune, magic, and mysteries.

They come together in large groups when they aren't breeding, especially in the winter. They gather near places that have a lot of food, like garbage dumps or shopping malls. They can be seen perched on a wire, staring off into the distance or watching us go about our daily lives.

There are more than 20 types of crow and over 40 different species of crow on the planet. They look a lot like ravens, which are very close to them. As with jays and magpies, they are also in the same family.

Crows in the west are slightly smaller than crows in the east. Crows are cooperative breeders, which means that they stay close to their birthplace. The female crow lays 4 to 5 eggs, which she incubates for 18 days. Baby crows can leave the nest at 4 weeks of age. The young crow hatchlings are referred to as chicks. A crow lives for about 10–15 years on average.

Everywhere in the world, you'll find different kinds of crows. They live in a lot of different places, like woodlands, farms, and cities. Fish crow, pied crow, and house crow are also well known.

People think that crows are smaller than ravens, but that's not true. About 20 inches (50 cm) long, large crows can be. All or most of them are black and grey.

Crows like to eat a lot of different plants and small animals, and they do this all the time.

People who work on farms can be bothered by them because they eat corn and other grains. Even so, they also help farmers because they eat insect pests that they find in their fields.

Crows, despite their bad reputation, play an important role in waste management. Every year, they consume tonnes of waste, preventing the spread of diseases and bad odours.

Year after year, the average crow population grows. Crows may be found in every nook and cranny of any Indian metropolis.

Short Essay on Crow

The crow is considered to be the most intelligent bird on the planet. They're found nearly everywhere on the earth.

Crows come in a variety of colours mostly black and grey. Crows are scavengers and common birds. It's a black bird and is always united. Two muscular wings, two claws, two eyes, and a beak characterize the crows.

The beak of a crow is extremely strong, allowing it to break and eat hard foods. The sound of crows is harsh and loud.

Crows create a lot of noise. They live in large groups the majority of the time. Crows assist in environmental cleanup by removing dirt from the surroundings.

Crows are also afraid of humans and animals, especially dogs. Crows eat insects, worms, seeds, grains, nuts, etc. Sometimes, it takes bread from small children.

Role of Crows in the Environment

Crows also have a great effect on the cleanliness of the environment. Being scavenger birds, they eat up the corpses of dead animals which are killed by other means. Sometimes crows also clean up garbage. They are omnivorous. They eat almost everything including carrion, grains, other birds, fruits, molluscs, mice, nestlings, etc. Scarecrows are placed in the agricultural fields to scare away crows and save the crops from incessant damage.

In an essay on crows, let us mention that a group of crows is called 'murder'. Some species of crows migrate to warmer regions during the winter months while some do not. A female crow lays about 4 to 5 eggs at a time. It incubates the eggs for almost 18 days. After the chicks are born, they are taken care of by their parents for around 4 weeks after which they are able to leave their nests but still are fed by the parents.

The strange behaviour of the American crow is that it stands on anthills and lets ants climb on it. The bird then rubs the ants into its feathers. This behaviour is called anting and is used to get rid of parasites. Ants sometimes cause the release of formic acid into the crow’s body. Common crows are known to have almost thirty-three categories of vocalisations. The north-western crows play games while flying.

Though crows are a nuisance, we should not discriminately kill them. These birds play a vital role in the proper functioning of the ecosystem.


These birds of high ecological importance should be conserved. We must also be careful while being around a crow. In the crow essay, we should mention that it might inflict harm with its strong beak if it is in an aggressive mood.

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